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Message: Porsche owners' class action approved

Changed By: danz76
Change Date: October 19, 2012 09:44AM

Porsche owners' class action approved
[url=http://www.dailybusinessreview.com/PubArticleDBR.jsp?id=1202575503957&thepage=1]Porsche owners' class action approved - article[/url]

Class certification is considered a huge accomplishment and a very big deal in the legal community. Apparently a South Florida lawyer / Porsche enthusiast got tired of a "design flaw" that made his car's LID headlights very susceptible to being stolen.
I'd make a wry comment about South Florida lawyers and their Porsches, but I am on one myself.

Original Message

Author: danz76
Date: October 19, 2012 09:44AM

Porsche owners' class action approved
[url=http://www.dailybusinessreview.com/PubArticleDBR.jsp?id=1202575503957&thepage=1]Porsche owners' class action approved - article[/url]

Class certification is considered a huge accomplishment and a very big deal in the legal community. Apparently a South Florida lawyer / Porsche enthusiast got tired of a "design flaw" that made his car's LID headlights very susceptible to being stolen.
I'd make a wry comment about South Florida lawyers and their Porsches, but I am on myself.