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Message: Headlights???? Headlights???? Good grief, Charlie Brown.

Changed By: Roger987
Change Date: October 19, 2012 11:34AM

Headlights???? HHeadlights???? eadlights???? Good grief, Charlie Brown.
n/tI've never heard a report of stolen headlights.

But I've heard scores of reports of self-destructing Porsche engines.

So.... maybe

1. the headlightless owners have been keeping mum about their misfortune (though that doesn't appear to be the case, given the certification of a headlight class action); or

2. the failed engines generate more 'noise' on internet forums, or

3. relatively speaking, the incidence of failed engines is over-reported; or

4. the guy(s) who lost their headlights have bags of money, lots of spare time, and an axe to grind.

I'm happiest with #3.

Speaking of being happy, and being ever mindful of the beauty of classic headlight design, Gary, this one's for you. ;)


Original Message

Author: Roger987
Date: October 19, 2012 11:17AM

Headlights???? HHeadlights???? Good grief, Charlie Brown.