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Message: A-ok. Lost power overnight, but that was it. No house or tree damage other than small branches.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: November 01, 2012 01:52PM

A-ok. Lost power overnight, but that was it. No house or tree damage other than small branches.
I have relatives on Staten Island and so far so good, other than power loss. Haven't heard from my brother there yet, but his house is far enough away from the shore, and it didn't rain much there. A friend who runs the big shipyard there might have his hands full, though: that tanker that ran aground has the yard's founder's name on it.
It's ironic that the first 2013 Boxster I've seen in public was on the news in the rubble of Breezy Point.
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: November 01, 2012 01:52PM

A-ok. Lost power overnight, but that was it. No house or tree damage other than small branches.
I have relatives on Staten Island and so far so good, other than power loss. Haven't heard from my brother there yet, but his house is far enough away from the shore, and there wasit didn't rain much rain there. A friend who runs the big shipyard there might have his hands full, though: that tanker that ran aground has the yard's founder's name on it.
It's ironic that the first 2013 Boxster I've seen in public was on the news in the rubble of Breezy Point.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: November 01, 2012 01:51PM

A-ok. Lost power overnight, but that was it. No house or tree damage other than small branches.
I have relatives on Staten Island and so far so good, other than power loss. Haven't heard from my brother there yet, but his house is far enough away from the shore, and there wasn't much rain there. A friend who runs the big shipyard there might have his hands full, though: that tanker that ran aground has the yard's founder's name on it.
It's ironic that the first 2013 Boxster I've seen in public was on the news in the rubble of Breezy Point.