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Message: Reinstalled it and that's home.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: November 08, 2012 02:47PM

Reinstalled it and that's home.
I think because of the viewpoint's vertical angle, and the refracted light coming off the bottom edge and the top corner notch, it looks especially high. Yes, the notch's top edge is about 6 or 7 mm above the interior top surface of the roll bar cover. After passing below the buttons, there's a little click. I pressed pretty hard straight down on either end and the middle, and aside from a little springiness from inside the slot, it's as far as it will go. I assumed it's good once the top corner notches clear the buttons. The crummy resolution of the iPad camera might be blurring the bottom edge highlight a bit, too, making it look higher than it actually is.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: November 08, 2012 02:44PM

Reinstalled it and that's home.
I think because of the viewpoint's vertical angle, and the refracted light coming off the bottom edge and the top corner notch, it looks especially high. Yes, the notch's top edge is about 6 or 7 mm above the interior top surface of the roll bar cover. After passing below the buttons, there's a little click. I pressed pretty hard straight down on either end and the middle, and aside from a little springiness from inside the slot, it's as far as it will go. I assumed it's good once the top corner notches clear the buttons.