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Message: Actually there are three

Changed By: Boxsterra
Change Date: November 11, 2012 07:15AM

Actually there are three
if you include the stock part, for which the manufacturer has no such recommendation.

It's true that nobody has identified definitively what the cause of failure is but based on my above comments it actually doesn't matter. And besides the recommendation to reinspect is based in large part on having no data about the specific part in the given conditions.

(For what it's worth, although it's not needed for my current argument I have previously explained mathematically why failures cannot be due either of the above factors)
Changed By: Boxsterra
Change Date: November 11, 2012 07:13AM

Actually there are three
if you include the stock part, for which the manufacturer has no such recommendation.

It's true that nobody has identified definitively what the cause of failure is but based on my above comments it actually doesn't matter. And besides the recommendation to reinspect is based in large part on having no data about the specific part in the given conditions.

Original Message

Author: Boxsterra
Date: November 11, 2012 07:12AM

Actually there are three
if you include the stock part, for which the manufacturer has no such recommendation.

It's true that nobody has identified definitively what the cause of failure is but based on my above comments it actually doesn't matter.