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Message: Pedro, or anyone else with the direct knowledge: are the 981 lift points the same as the 986?

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: November 17, 2012 03:29PM

Pedro, or anyone else with the direct knowledge: are the 981 lift points the same as the 986?
TireRack finally has a winter tire and wheel set for the 2013. So as not to have big expensive car stuff possibly waiting outside my house if I'm not home, the set is being drop-shipped to my local shop, and they'll likely be supporting the car from the chassis. I imagine the front hasn't changed much, but Porsche's literature is a bit vague, stating the rear is MacPherson, but also "multi-link" like the 911.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: November 17, 2012 03:27PM

Pedro, or anyone else with the direct knowledge: are the 981 lift points the same as the 986?
TireRack finally has a winter tire and wheel set for the 2013. So as not to have big expensive car stuff possibly waiting outside my house if I'm not home, the set is being drop-shipped to my local shop, and they'll likely be supporting the car from the chassis. I imagine the front hasn't changed much, but Porsche's literature is a bit vague, stating the rear is MacPherson, but also "multi-link" like the 911.