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Message: I have a pretty high confidence level with these people.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: November 20, 2012 12:29PM

I have a pretty high confidence level with these people.
It's a complete car service shop that's father and son, and was started by the grandfather several decades ago. In the Navy, the father repaired an incapacitated destroyer's driveshaft at a civilian boatyard. The son built a solar power ed vehicle when he was in high school. They lifted the 986 many times for oil changes, O2 sensors, and tires. On the other hand, if you ask them, they'll tell you I'm a noodge [i]bigtime[/i], with just enough knowledge and neurotic intelligence to drive them up a wall, yet they invite me to family weddings, birthdays, etc. I would rather've done the job myself as I bought a Porsche jack and a soft-sleeved socket when I got the car, but previously mentioned "logistics" had me decide on the lesser of the two "worries." Did I mention "neurotic?"

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: November 20, 2012 12:28PM

I have a pretty high confidence level with these people.
It's a complete car service shop that's father and son, and was started by the grandfather several decades ago. In the Navy, the father repaired an incapacitated destroyer's driveshaft at a civilian boatyard. The son built a solar power vehicle when he was in high school. They lifted the 986 many times for oil changes, O2 sensors, and tires. On the other hand, if you ask them, they'll tell you I'm a noodge [i]bigtime[/i], with just enough knowledge and neurotic intelligence to drive them up a wall, yet they invite me to family weddings, birthdays, etc. I would rather've done the job myself as I bought a Porsche jack and a soft-sleeved socket when I got the car, but previously mentioned "logistics" had me decide on the lesser of the two "worries." Did I mention "neurotic?"