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Message: A friend's M5 has calipers so close to the 19" wheels you can't put a finger between.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: November 20, 2012 12:37PM

A friend's M5 has calipers so close to the 19" wheels you can't put a finger between.
The discs are huge, although people have complained that the rear calipers look disproportionately small. They do, but BMW must know what they're doing, and a vast majority of the work is done by the fronts anyway.
Wait 'til there are atomic powered brakes: they'll be not much larger than the wheel bearings!

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: November 20, 2012 12:35PM

A friend's M5 has calipers so close to the 19" wheels you can't put a finger between.
The discs are huge, although people have complained that the rear calipers look disproportionately small. They do, but BMW must know what they're doing, and a vast majority of the work is done by the fronts anyway.