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Message: Pretty darn good except tech spotted a likely RMS leak. I've seen no....

Changed By: MarcW
Change Date: November 20, 2012 11:58PM

Pretty darn good except tech spotted a likely RMS leak. I realized today it has b've seen just over 10K miles sinceno....
its last oil change. I have been so busy I lost track of the miles. Oh, 100.9K miles.

SM got the car in today and the tech changed the oil/filter while I waited. He checked the car over and all looks well except... except, I can't say it, except there appears to be a RMS leak. Tech said it wasn't bad and I have seen no oil spots on the ground. I should have taken pics but I simply wasn't thinking.

Tech drove my 996 home following me in my Boxster and then I let him drive the Boxster back to the dealer. He said both cars run, drive, feel just fine.
oil spots on the ground and the tech said the leak wasn't bad and we could play the wait and see game. Wait and cry is more like it...

Oh, well. It ain't a Porsche if it doesn't have at least one RMS leak. Just wished it could have happened under warranty like the Boxster's RMS.

Original Message

Author: MarcW
Date: November 20, 2012 11:49PM

Pretty darn good. I realized today it has been just over 10K miles since...
its last oil change. I have been so busy I lost track of the miles. Oh, 100.9K miles.

SM got the car in today and the tech changed the oil/filter while I waited. He checked the car over and all looks well except... except, I can't say it, except there appears to be a RMS leak. Tech said it wasn't bad and I have seen no oil spots on the ground. I should have taken pics but I simply wasn't thinking.

Tech drove my 996 home following me in my Boxster and then I let him drive the Boxster back to the dealer. He said both cars run, drive, feel just fine.