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Message: Re: A few of observations on the new 981

Changed By: boxsterd
Change Date: November 24, 2012 01:28AM

Re: A few of observations on the new 981
Say what you want about the 981, but I think it looks 90% the same as the 986 and 987, and 10% better than the 986 and 987.

As for the "But as we move forward, there is a rawness, a simplicity, a pureness that the 986 and 987 had that you are being denied.", this can be said for ALL previous Porsche models, including the 911. You hear this argument from "base" model owners too in explaining why they didn't buy the "S" model. If you want "raw" and "simplicity", buy a 356 or 914!

Original Message

Author: boxsterd
Date: November 24, 2012 01:16AM

Re: A few of observations on the new 981
Say what you want about the 981, but I think it looks 90% the same as the 986 and 987, and 10% better than the 986 and 987.

As for the "But as we move forward, there is a rawness, a simplicity, a pureness that the 986 and 987 had that you are being denied.", this can be said for ALL previous Porsche models, including the 911. If you want "raw" and "simplicity", buy a 356 or 914!