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Message: It's a good idea to take the parking brake off after a thorough car wash; otherwise: snap/bang.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: November 27, 2012 06:22PM

It's a good idea to take the parking brake off after a thorough car wash; otherwise: snap/bang.
Keeping it on [i]during[/i] the wash might help to keep water from getting onto the drum/shoe interface. Disengaging afterwards allows whatever water that might've gotten between to evaporate, and to not cause the drum to rust/fuse to the shoe. That snap/bang is likely harmless, but it sounds awful. (Or for you neologistiphilic hipsters: it sounds awesome!)

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: November 27, 2012 06:16PM

It's a good idea to take the parking brake off after a thorough car wash; otherwise: snap/bang.
Keeping it on [i]during[/i] the wash might help to keep water from getting onto the drum/shoe interface. Disengaging afterwards allows whatever water that might've gotten between to evaporate, and to not cause the drum to rust/fuse to the shoe. That snap/bang is likely harmless, but it sounds awful. (Or for you hipsters: awesome!)