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Message: That's the plan, although it doubt the plan will come together for qutie some time. I also

Changed By: grant
Change Date: December 09, 2012 09:25AM

That's gthe plan, although it doubt the plan will come together for qutie some time. I also
Want to drive them both (someday) and make my decision then. The 2000S happens to have a lot of nice options (good for everyday) but then, it IS an S (good for track).


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: December 09, 2012 09:24AM

That's ghe plan, although it doubt the plan will come together for qutie some time. I also
Want to drive them both (someday) and make my decision then. The 2000S happens to have a lot of nice options (good for everyday) but then, it IS an S (good for track).
