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Message: Nice to see, but...

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: December 13, 2012 04:47PM

Nice to see, but...
the practical value of the vents is they catch dirt and being black, show less. It helps to have a relatively dark and neutral body color. Agate Grey Metallic, anyone?

The body of the article misstates the S's hp and torque numbers, yet gets them right in the specs section.

I hate the video: another clichéed video -fast-cut piece of "nonsense" (literally,) with a pseudo-excitement-generatiing club music soundtrack. Let the car speak for itself!

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: December 13, 2012 04:35PM

Nice to see, but...
the practical value of the vents is they catch dirt and being black, show less. It helps to have a relatively dark and neutral body color. Agate Grey Metallic, anyone?

The body of the article misstates the S's hp and torque numbers, yet gets them right in the specs section.

I hate the video: another clichéed video fast-cut piece of "nonsense" (literally,) with a pseudo-excitement-generatiing club music soundtrack. Let the car speak for itself!