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Message: Re: A Porsche Pic

Changed By: KevinR-MedinaOhio
Change Date: January 19, 2013 02:06PM

Re: A Porsche Pic
[quote]If some one does not know what kind of car I am driving, then they probably don't care. [/quote]

I have a different opinion. Many people, especially the young (<40) like a nice car and are interested in seeing Porsches. because of their cache. But since they don't own one, their interest is superficial and knowledge of what the various models are is absent. Porsches are rare birds in my area, even though there were at one time four dealerships within a twenty-five mile radius of my house. I seldom see another Porsche except on the weekends.

I have had several people ask me what make my car was, as the only things that say 'Porsche' are the small crests on the hood and wheel caps. I added the name to my windscreen as 'Boxster' is vague.


I also added a Porsche Permagrin to my spoiler.

Changed By: KevinR-MedinaOhio
Change Date: January 19, 2013 02:03PM

Re: A Porsche Pic: Pedro & Some of Us at the 2012 BRBS
[quote]If some one does not know what kind of car I am driving, then they probably don't care. [/quote]

I have a different opinion. Many people, especially the young (<40) like a nice car and are interested in seeing Porsches. But since they don't own one, their interest is superficial and knowledge of what the various models are is absent. Porsches are rare birds in my area, even though there were at one time four dealerships within a twenty-five mile radius of my house. I seldom see another Porsche except on the weekends.

I have had several people ask me what make my car was, as the only things that say 'Porsche' are the small crests on the hood and wheel caps. I added the name to my windscreen as 'Boxster' is vague.


Original Message

Author: KevinR-MedinaOhio
Date: January 19, 2013 02:03PM

Re: A Pic: Pedro & Some of Us at the 2012 BRBS
[quote]If some one does not know what kind of car I am driving, then they probably don't care. [/quote]

I have a different opinion. Many people, especially the young (<40) like a nice car and are interested in seeing Porsches. But since they don't own one, their interest is superficial and knowledge of what the various models are is absent. Porsches are rare birds in my area, even though there were at one time four dealerships within a twenty-five mile radius of my house. I seldom see another Porsche except on the weekends.

I have had several people ask me what make my car was, as the only things that say 'Porsche' are the small crests on the hood and wheel caps. I added the name to my windscreen as 'Boxster' is vague.
