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Message: Re: New IMS Solution Announcement

Changed By: Jake Raby
Change Date: January 20, 2013 10:55PM

Re: New IMS Solution Announcement
It took longer to show up here than I imagined it would.

Yes it is expensive, no it is not for everyone. The technology was originally only intended for my engines.

Remember, the other plain journal bearings within your engine that are located in the main and rod bearing positions are also aluminum. faced. Since the unit is hydrodynamic, the wear surface is actually the film of oil between the rotating and stationary components that comprise the assembly. The "aluminum" used for the rotating component is not normal, it is a very special alloy that took us three generations of development to source and apply. This alloy of aluminum is made especially for bearing material and is not cheap.

why debate? Either someone believes in it or they don't. I developed it for my engine program and thats all I care about.

Original Message

Author: Jake Raby
Date: January 20, 2013 10:39PM

Re: New IMS Solution Announcement
It took longer to show up here than I imagined it would.

Yes it is expensive, no it is not for everyone. The technology was originally only intended for my engines.

Remember, the other plain journal bearings within your engine that are located in the main and rod bearing positions are also aluminum. Since the unit is hydrodynamic, the wear surface is actually the film of oil between the rotating and stationary components that comprise the assembly. The "aluminum" used for the rotating component is not normal, it is a very special alloy that took us three generations of development to source and apply. This alloy of aluminum is made especially for bearing material and is not cheap.

why debate? Either someone believes in it or they don't. I developed it for my engine program and thats all I care about.