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Products for your Boxster, Cayman and Carrera.

Message: I've had it for about a year...

Changed By: Dave In MD
Change Date: February 02, 2013 12:05PM

I've had the it for about a year...
and installed mostly for DE. I pretty much agree with your assessment. My quick summary would be: Pot holes are much harsher, highway is actually a little better and on track is a huge improvement.

Shorter suspension travel translates to harsher reaction to pot holes, big bumps and even pavement seams. Much less rebound from dips and pavement transitions helps on a smooth highway and makes the car feel more stable. On the track, it was night and day - much less lean and much less rebound when going over gators or elevation transitions. The big give away on the track was the climbing esses at VIR; much more stable even at higher speeds.

Now that I have another "track" car, I'm not sure what I'm going to do on the Boxster. I kept the original suspension so I could put it back on. Being a base 2003, it's a great learning car for the track, but if I sell it I may go back just to open the market a bit. Or if I keep it, I may go back just for trips with the top down. Fate is TBD.


Original Message

Author: Dave In MD
Date: February 02, 2013 12:05PM

I've had the it for about a year...
and installed mostly for DE. I pretty much agree with your assessment. My quick summary would be: Pot holes are much harsher, highway is actually a little better and on track is a huge improvement.

Shorter suspension travel translates to harsher reaction to pot holes, big bumps and even pavement seams. Much less rebound from dips and pavement transitions helps on a smooth highway and makes the car feel more stable. On the track, it was night and day - much less lean and much less rebound when going over gators or elevation transitions. The big give away on the track was the climbing esses at VIR; much more stable even at higher speeds.

Now that I have another "track" car, I'm not sure what I'm going to do on the Boxster. I kept the original suspension so I could put it back on. Being a base 2003, it's a great learning car for the track, but if I sell it I may go back just to open the market a bit. Or if I keep it, I may go back just for trips with the top down. Fate is TBD.
