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Message: Well, there is more to it that the loss of some learned values etc...

Changed By: MarcW
Change Date: February 12, 2013 11:55PM

Well, there is more to it that the loss of some learned values etc...
Sounds like its a "nice to do", but wont do any harm to lose those values every 5 years.

The only hurdle is that i'd need to go to radio shack and make myself a cord with alligators on one end and a lighter plug on the other, and 20" of wire int he middle. Just more to do. but i may!

I've been through those re-learnings on the red car 6-7 times in the last few months as it came back together.


When you power down the car's electrical system then power it up again this is a good time for some component to fail. There is some kind of stress/shock/surge that occurs when the system is powered and this is when things can go bad. Kind of like old incandescent bulbs. They always seemed to fail when one flipped the light switch on. Once on they seem to be ok. (There's a light bulb in a firehouse in Fremont CA that has been on now for decades. Some kind of a world record of light bulb longevity. It never gets shut off.

Anyhow, but maintaining power you avoid the surge that occurs from powering the circuit.

Original Message

Author: MarcW
Date: February 12, 2013 11:53PM

Well, there is more to it that the loss of some learned values etc...
Sounds like its a "nice to do", but wont do any harm to lose those values every 5 years.

The only hurdle is that i'd need to go to radio shack and make myself a cord with alligators on one end and a lighter plug on the other, and 20" of wire int he middle. Just more to do. but i may!

I've been through those re-learnings on the red car 6-7 times in the last few months as it came back together.


When you power down the car's electrical system then power it up again this is a good time for some component to fail. There is some kind of stress/shock/surge that occurs when the system is powered and this is when things can go bad. Kind of like old incandescent bulbs. They always seemed to fail when one flipped the light switch on. Once they seem to be ok. (There's a light bulb in a firehouse in Fremont CA that has been on now for decades. Some kind of a world record of light bulb longevity. It never gets shut off.

Anyhow, but maintaining power you avoid the surge that occurs from powering the circuit.