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Message: When I drove the Autobahn

Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: February 13, 2013 11:32AM

When I drove the Autobahn
I really was amazed how smooth it was. Here in Canada, when a section of road has been patched, I can always feel the start and end of the patch. On the Autobahn, I never experienced that. It was almost as if they had just painted a section of the road darker, no bump, just smooth road. In part, I think it's due to the warmer temperatures. in Germany. The frost getting into the ground always plays havoc with those patches. here in Canada.

Original Message

Author: Guenter in Ontario
Date: February 13, 2013 11:31AM

When I drove the Autobahn
I really was amazed how smooth it was. Here in Canada, when a section of road has been patched, I can always feel the start and end of the patch. On the Autobahn, I never experienced that. It was almost as if they had just painted a section of the road darker, no bump, just smooth road. In part, I think it's due to the warmer temperatures. The frost getting into the ground always plays havoc with those patches.