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Message: If my car is close to empty, I drive faster to get to a gas station before it runs out.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: February 13, 2013 05:56PM

If my car is close to empty, I drive faster to get to a gas station before it runs out.
The comedian Steven Wright had has a riff about being stopped by a cop for speeding. When asked why he was, he goes into his deadpan explanation of pushing on the gas pedal, which makes more gas go into the engine, which makes the engine turn faster, which makes the wheels turn faster. "That's why I was speeding, Officer."

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: February 13, 2013 05:54PM

If my car is close to empty, I drive faster to get to a gas station before it runs out.
The comedian Steven Wright had a riff about being stopped by a cop for speeding. When asked why he was, he goes into his deadpan explanation of pushing on the gas pedal, which makes more gas go into the engine, which makes the engine turn faster, which makes the wheels turn faster. "That's why I was speeding, Officer."