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Message: Pics of my new-to-me '09 C2S

Changed By: Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S)
Change Date: February 17, 2013 12:12AM

Pics of my new-to-me '09 C2S
Exterior: Ruby Red
Interior: Natural Brown

I just washed and Zaino'd it.... I should have shot the pics before the Zaino because you can't see color with that mirror Zaino leaves behind.

This is a hard color to describe and really tough to photograph. I used a Gray Card to set white balance but it still appeared too red... I desaturated and it looked more natural. The color is halfway between a light burgundy and rust. Under some lights, it looks more red, others more rust. It seems digital cameras turn this into a real red red which it is not. I was so worried that I asked the Porsche guy that tested my car and mechanics that looked at it, "Does it look feminine?" Gotta laugh.

The interior looks like the classic Coach leather color. Again, tough to photograph as it looks a bit to orange.

As you can see I already tapped into the fuse box and installed a multi-cigarette lighter receptacle where I plugged in my V1 and ran the cable up the A pillar (pulled off the A trim). The other receptacle is a USB charger where I drilled through the back of the oddments cubby under the communications system and pulled through the micro USB plug. I found a switched fuse for unused PDK control. I realized I am totally nuts as my drill was whirring through the dash of a $109K car!

Bruce In Philly
(photography blog... my other hobby.. an entertains-me-only blog)

[url=https://picasaweb.google.com/101334518573666809964/CarMine9972]Stop the drivel!!! Show me the pics![/url]

Original Message

Author: Bruce In Philly (2000 S Boxster, now '09 C2S)
Date: February 17, 2013 12:06AM

Pics of my new-to-me '09 C2S
Exterior: Ruby Red
Interior: Natural Brown

I just washed and Zaino'd it.... I should have shot the pics before the Zaino because you can't see color with that mirror Zaino leaves behind.

This is a hard color to describe and really tough to photograph. I used a Gray Card to set white balance but it still appeared too red... I desaturated and it looked more natural. The color is halfway between a light burgundy and rust. Under some lights, it looks more red, others more rust. It seems digital cameras turn this into a real red red which it is not. I was so worried that I asked the Porsche guy that tested my car and mechanics that looked at it, "Does it look feminine?" Gotta laugh.

The interior looks like the classic Coach leather color. Again, tough to photograph as it looks a bit to orange.

As you can see I already tapped into the fuse box and installed a multi-cigarette lighter receptacle where I plugged in my V1 and ran the cable up the A pillar (pulled off the A trim). The other receptacle is a USB charger where I drilled through the back of the oddments cubby under the communications system and pulled through the micro USB plug. I found a switched fuse for unused PDK control. I realized I am totally nuts as my drill was whirring through the dash of a $109K car!

Bruce In Philly

[url=https://picasaweb.google.com/101334518573666809964/CarMine9972]Stop the drivel!!! Show me the pics![/url]