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Message: I know you can search for used Boxsters, not sure about new ones in stock, but

Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: February 21, 2013 01:12PM

I know you can search for used Boxsters, not sure about new ones in stock, but
Your Porsche dealer should be able to do a search of what's available.

You could also, from the Porsche website, check dealer websites for Boxsters they have in stock.

If you post the colour/option combo you're looking for, I'm sure that people people on the forum would be willing to do a search of dealers in their area. I know I'd be happy too, but don't think you'd want to pay Canadian pricing. Wouldn't want you getting gray hair. :D

Original Message

Author: Guenter in Ontario
Date: February 21, 2013 01:12PM

I know you can search for used Boxsters, not sure about new ones in stock, but
Your Porsche dealer should be able to do a search of what's available.

You could also, from the Porsche website, check dealer websites for Boxsters they have in stock.

If you post the colour/option combo you're looking for, I'm sure that people people on the forum would be willing to do a search of dealers in their area. I know I'd be happy too, but don't think you'd want to pay Canadian pricing. Wouldn't want you getting gray hair. :D