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Message: spherical cow

Changed By: Steve (Morro Bay)
Change Date: February 23, 2013 11:46PM

spherical cow
I've been having a lot of fun this week playing around with the new sphere-cam feature on the most recent android. Here are a couple examples with my red cayman in them. I finally have a good excuse for including the car in my photos -- in order to shot the full sphere, there's pretty much no other option unless I want to move the car midway through the task.

If I remember right, the first below is a full sphere, and the second one is a partial sphere of the same location. I have a couple waiting for approval as contributions to google streetview, but these flattened ones are kinda cool too. As a side note, it's pretty awesome being able to contribute to streetview. I'll post links to those if they get through the moderators.


Changed By: Steve (Morro Bay)
Change Date: February 23, 2013 11:46PM

spherical cow
I've been having a lot of fun this week playing around with the new sphere-cam feature on the most recent android. Here are a couple examples with my red cayman in them. I finally have a good excuse for including the car in my photos -- in order to shot the full sphere, there's pretty much no other option unless I want to move the car midway through the task. I have a couple waiting for approval as contributions to goole streetview, but these flattened ones are kinda cool too. As a side note, it's pretty awesome being able to contribute to streetview.

The first below is a full sphere, and the second one is a partial sphere of the same location.
I've been having a lot of fun this week playing around with the new sphere-cam feature on the most recent android. Here are a couple examples with my red cayman in them. I finally have a good excuse for including the car in my photos -- in order to shot the full sphere, there's pretty much no other option unless I want to move the car midway through the task.

If I remember right, the first below is a full sphere, and the second one is a partial sphere of the same location. I have a couple waiting for approval as contributions to goole streetview, but these flattened ones are kinda cool too. As a side note, it's pretty awesome being able to contribute to streetview. I'll post links to those if they get through the moderators.


Changed By: Steve (Morro Bay)
Change Date: February 23, 2013 11:44PM

spherical cow
I've been having a lot of fun this week playing around with the new sphere-cam feature on the most recent android. Here are a couple examples with my red cayman in them. I finally have a good excuse for including the car in my photos -- in order to shot the full sphere, there's pretty much no other option unless I want to move the car midway through the task.
I've been having a lot of fun this week playing around with the new sphere-cam feature on the most recent android. Here are a c

I have a couple waiting for approval as contributions to goole streetview, but these flattened ones are kinda cool too. As a side note, it's pretty awesome being able to contribute to streetview.
ouple examples with my red cayman in them. I finally have a good excuse for including the car in my photos -- in order to shot the full sphere, there's pretty much no other option unless I want to move the car midway through the task. I have a couple waiting for approval as contributions to goole streetview, but these flattened ones are kinda cool too. As a side note, it's pretty awesome being able to contribute to streetview.

The first below is a full sphere, and the second one is a partial sphere of the same location.



Original Message

Author: Steve (Morro Bay)
Date: February 23, 2013 11:39PM

spherical cow
I've been having a lot of fun this week playing around with the new sphere-cam feature on the most recent android. Here are a couple examples with my red cayman in them. I finally have a good excuse for including the car in my photos -- in order to shot the full sphere, there's pretty much no other option unless I want to move the car midway through the task.
I've been having a lot of fun this week playing around with the new sphere-cam feature on the most recent android. Here are a c

I have a couple waiting for approval as contributions to goole streetview, but these flattened ones are kinda cool too. As a side note, it's pretty awesome being able to contribute to streetview.