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Message: The site and brochure wording are a bit tricky.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: March 11, 2013 12:03PM

The site and brochure wording are a bit tricky.
Initially I thought my car was to come with the USB port, too, and didn't go far into considering Bluetooth, etc. Albeit a little less convenient for quick reference while driving, my iPad served as navigation device, and let me conduct other wireless business as needed, other than phone calls: my dumb phone handled that. Neither my family nor friends are yakky people who constantly call with every notion that comes into their heads. I carried a medium format, yet "large type" Rand McNally map book for perusing when in hotel rooms. Paper maps are always great for conceptualizing the vastness of a long journey. I would also hand write simple, anticipated directions for the following day into a [i]paper[/i] memo book. There's a novel concept! Hey, I'm glad the car has a glove compartment!

My car has the CDR30 and standard speaker set-up, which sounds fine to me. An addendum to an earlier rant about Porsche's sloppy information: the literature/site info used to say the system had if I correctly recall, anything between 185 to 335 Watts, but as of the past month or so its finally listed as 2 X 25 Watts. It sounds clear and dynamic enough, whatever the number of Watts or speakers, and the radio reception seems to be noticeably better than 01's.

An alternative to the PCM and/or Bose system is the "CDR Plus audio system" at $1700 that has a USB connection, among other features. I gave it some thought thought, but cheaped out as I was getting PTV and PASM with the intention the car would have maximized chassis performance. Radio programming in the flyover states can be pretty stultifying, but relieved by popping in a CD. All said and done, listening to the existential beauty of that motor for endless hours suited me fine.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: March 11, 2013 11:59AM

The site and brochure wording are a bit tricky.
Initially I thought my car was to come with the USB port, too, and didn't go far into considering Bluetooth, etc. Albeit a little less convenient for quick reference while driving, my iPad served as navigation device, and let me conduct other wireless business as needed, other than phone calls: my dumb phone handled that. Neither my family nor friends are yakky people who constantly call with every notion that comes into their heads. I carried a medium format, yet "large type" Rand McNally map book for perusing when in hotel rooms. Paper maps are always great for conceptualizing the vastness of a long journey. I would also hand write simple, anticipated directions for the following day into a [i]paper[/i] memo book. There's a novel concept! Hey, I'm glad the car has a glove compartment!

My car has the CDR30 and standard speaker set-up, which sounds fine to me. An addendum to an earlier rant about Porsche's sloppy information: the literature/site info used to say the system had if I correctly recall, anything between 185 to 335 Watts, but as of the past month or so its finally listed as 2 X 25 Watts. It sounds clear and dynamic enough, whatever the number of Watts or speakers, and the radio reception seems to be noticeably better than 01's.

An alternative to the PCM and/or Bose system is the "CDR Plus audio system" at $1700 that has a USB connection, among other features. I gave it some thought thought, but cheaped out as I was getting PTV and PASM with the intention the car would have maximized chassis performance. Radio programming in the flyover states can be pretty stultifying, but relieved by popping in a CD. All said and done, listening to the existential beauty of that motor for endless hours suited me fine.