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Message: Re: Lighted vanity mirrors

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: March 12, 2013 09:32AM

Re: Lighted vanity mirrors
Official literature dated from January 2012 shows lighted vanity mirrors as [i]standard[/i] on both base and S. My car doesn't have them . (May 2012 build.) I don't see them at all on the configurator, incomplete as it is. Supposedly the factory can do just about anything for a price. Rattan seats, anyone?
Rain sensing wipers are supposedly standard, (which I'd rather not have,) but near as I can tell they're conventional intermittent types: It doesn't rain in my garage.
Even considering the "complication" of different world markets, it still wouldn't take much for the [i]manufacturer[/i] and the marketing people to get better coordinated.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: March 12, 2013 09:31AM

Re: Lighted vanity mirrors
Official literature dated from January 2012 shows lighted vanity mirrors as [i]standard[/i] on both base and S. My car doesn't have them (May 2012 build.) I don't see them at all on the configurator, incomplete as it is. Supposedly the factory can do just about anything for a price. Rattan seats, anyone?
Rain sensing wipers are supposedly standard, (which I'd rather not have,) but near as I can tell they're conventional intermittent types: It doesn't rain in my garage.
Even considering the "complication" of different world markets, it still wouldn't take much for the [i]manufacturer[/i] and the marketing people to get better coordinated.