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Message: Re: Here's my correspondence with AAA Mid-Atlantic

Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: March 13, 2013 02:10PM

Re: Here's my correspondence with AAA Mid-Atlantic
In the AAA response, I don't see any reason given as to why "[b]in this instance that the State Police trooper improperly ticketed the Maryland motorist[/b]". At least in the next sentence it is stated that they agree that in this instance, "[b]the trouper should have been able to ticket her[/b]". So which one is it? No wonder motorist can get confused if their y're not getting a clear message.

Original Message

Author: Guenter in Ontario
Date: March 13, 2013 01:05PM

Re: Here's my correspondence with AAA Mid-Atlantic
In the AAA response, I don't see any reason given as to why "[b]in this instance that the State Police trooper improperly ticketed the Maryland motorist[/b]". At least in the next sentence it is stated that they agree that in this instance, "[b]the trouper should have been able to ticket her[/b]". So which one is it? No wonder motorist can get confused if their not getting a clear message.