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Message: Re: No, he isn't, and Porsche gave him a new engine and who knows what else 8-)

Changed By: dennisafrompa
Change Date: March 13, 2013 05:41PM

Re: No, he isn't, and Porsche gave him a new engine and who knows what else 8-)
Hey Gary, you continue to make me out as some sort of carper!! I DO know what failed and YES I did get a new motor after a charge of $3100 for partial tear down and R&R. Plus I had to sign a statement that essentially claimed Porsche had no liability in this and was purely a good will gesture.

Further, I was shown the damage to the bearing by Autohaus in Lancaster PA. You are totally uninformed NOT ME!!

I have pictures!

Further, I was making joke about the 10 bucks as I hate class action suites.

Original Message

Author: dennisafrompa
Date: March 13, 2013 05:38PM

Re: No, he isn't, and Porsche gave him a new engine and who knows what else 8-)
Hey Gary, you continue to make me out as some sort of carper!! I DO know what failed and YES I did get a new motor after a charge of $3100 for partial tear down and R&R. Plus I had to sign a statement that essentially claimed Porsche had no liability in this and was purely a good will gesture.

Further, I was shown the damage to the bearing by Autohaus in Lancaster PA. You are totally uninformed NOT ME!!

I have pictures!