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Message: Re: It's an option, it's in the light design package

Changed By: Gary in SoFL
Change Date: March 19, 2013 11:47AM

Re: It's an option, it's in the light design package
Porsche makes great driving sports cars, but the cost of many of their forced options are both usury, and more Lexus like than sports car needed. Their computer CPM system has a 200 page users manual all it's own, translated from German, and both it and the product suck, their GPS (designed for Europe, I think) is illogical, their storage areas are shrinking by the day, the practicality of their cars, while better than their competitors, is getting worse, as all while too many options are bundled and forced upon the buyer will astronomical prices that out of reason given their actual cost. As I said, usury, and so confusing that in Joann's case (and many others) not even PCNA or sales managers understand them.

Trying to keep their models sports cars and at the same time attempting to be 'all things to all people' by making them GT cruisers is, IMHO, counterproductive and short sighted. The run around Joann is getting for a simple option is embarrassing. Unless your a loaded retired lawyer, who can specify all the alphabet soup, and hand over almost a hundred grand for a weekend unMANual toy, you SOL. ;)
Porsche makes great driving sports cars, but the cost of many of their forced options are both usury, and more Lexus like than sports car needed. Their computer CPM system has a 200 page users manual all it's own, translated from German, and both it and the product suck, their GPS (designed for Europe, I think) is illogical, their storage areas are shrinking by the day, the practicality of their cars, while better than their competitors, is getting worse, as too many options are bundled and forced upon the buyer will astronomical prices that out of reason given their actual cost. As I said, usury, and so confusing that in Joann's case (and many others) not even PCNA or sales managers understand them.

Trying to keep their models 'sports cars', and at the same time attempting to be 'all things to all people' by making them GT cruisers is, IMHO, counterproductive and short sighted. The run around Joann is getting for a simple lighted visor is embarrassing. Most of these basic options should be standard given the price of these cars! Unless you're a loaded retired lawyer, who can specify all the alphabet soup, and hand over almost a hundred grand for a weekend unMANual toy, you SOL. ;)

Their designers and engineers won't kill the brand, but their marketing and bean counters may.

Original Message

Author: Gary in SoFL
Date: March 19, 2013 11:42AM

Re: It's an option, it's in the light design package
Porsche makes great driving sports cars, but the cost of many of their forced options are both usury, and more Lexus like than sports car needed. Their computer CPM system has a 200 page users manual all it's own, translated from German, and both it and the product suck, their GPS (designed for Europe, I think) is illogical, their storage areas are shrinking by the day, the practicality of their cars, while better than their competitors, is getting worse, as all while too many options are bundled and forced upon the buyer will astronomical prices that out of reason given their actual cost. As I said, usury, and so confusing that in Joann's case (and many others) not even PCNA or sales managers understand them.

Trying to keep their models sports cars and at the same time attempting to be 'all things to all people' by making them GT cruisers is, IMHO, counterproductive and short sighted. The run around Joann is getting for a simple option is embarrassing. Unless your a loaded retired lawyer, who can specify all the alphabet soup, and hand over almost a hundred grand for a weekend unMANual toy, you SOL. ;)

Their designers and engineers won't kill the brand, but their marketing and bean counters may.