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Message: Re: Wonderful

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: April 05, 2013 10:23AM

Re: Wonderful
It's an Audioquest 7000 nsx. Overdue for a change, not so much for stylus wear, but ageing suspension (a Harry Pearson concern,) and never being fond of its low output in general. Had a high output van den Hul before this.
Your comment about high definition was very wise: "High definition is not about big bass, or achieving ear-bleeding sound levels. It is about communicating the emotional aspect of music and nothing communicates it better than a high-definition system..."
As my dad used to say, "Empty barrels make the most noise."
Speaking of HD, I wonder if there were any copyright or trademark issues with "High Definition" as a general industry term, when as far as I know it started here:
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: April 05, 2013 10:16AM

Re: Wonderful
It's an Audioquest 7000 nsx. Overdue for a change, not so much for stylus wear, but ageing suspension (a Harry Pearson concern,) and never being fond of its low output in general. Had a high output van den Hul before this.
Your comment about high definition was very wise: "High definition is not about big bass, or achieving ear-bleeding sound levels. It is about communicating the emotional aspect of music and nothing communicates it better than a high-definition system..."
As my dad used to say, "Empty barrels make the most noise."
Speaking of which, HD, I wonder if there were any copyright or trademark issues with "High Definition" as a general industry term, when as far as I know it started here:
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: April 05, 2013 10:16AM

Re: Wonderful
It's an Audioquest 7000 nsx. Overdue for a change, not so much for stylus wear, but ageing suspension (a Harry Pearson concern,) and never being fond of its low output in general. Had a high output van den Hul before this.
Your comment about high definition was very wise: "High definition is not about big bass, or achieving ear-bleeding sound levels. It is about communicating the emotional aspect of music and nothing communicates it better than a high-definition system..."
As my dad used to say, "Empty barrels make the most noise."
Speaking of which, I wonder if there were any copyright or trademark issues with "High Definition" as a general industry term, when as far as I know it started here:

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: April 05, 2013 10:14AM

Re: Wonderful
It's an Audioquest 7000 nsx. Overdue for a change, not so much for stylus wear, but ageing suspension (a Harry Pearson concern,) and never being fond of its low output in general. Had a high output van den Hul before this.
Your comment about high definition was very wise: "High definition is not about big bass, or achieving ear-bleeding sound levels. It is about communicating the emotional aspect of music and nothing communicates it better than a high-definition system..."
Speaking of which, I wonder if there were any copyright or trademark issues with "High Definition" as a general industry term, when as far as I know it started here: