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Message: Check with the sanctioning body's rule book...

Changed By: MarcW
Change Date: April 06, 2013 10:05AM

Check with the sanctioning body's rule book...
concerning the lifespan of safety equipment.

Also, some safety equipment comes from the manufacturer with an expiration date or number of seasons of use. FIA IIRC is 5 years, SFI is 3 years.

If there is no expiration date given by the manufacturer and no rules regarding how long the equipment can be used, then it comes down to a question of ensuring what you want to use is still in good shape and has enough margin to do its job in the event it is called upon to do its job.

The last thing you want on your mind in the event of an event so to speak is whether the old seat harness is going to work. This might truly be the last thing on your mind.

I might add given what there is in the car already, its prepping and such, I can't believe the difference between a new harness and a used one is that significant. I have never priced fancy harnesses let alone ever bought one but there are times to be frugal and there are times to not splurge per se but by the best there is. Buying safety equipment is one such time.

Original Message

Author: MarcW
Date: April 06, 2013 10:03AM

Check with the sanctioning body's rule book...
concerning the lifespan of safety equipment.

Also, some safety equipment comes from the manufacturer with an expiration date or number of seasons of use. FIA IIRC is 5 years, SFI is 3 years.

If there is no expiration date given by the manufacturer and no rules regarding how long the equipment can be used, then it comes down to a question of ensuring what you want to use is still in good shape and has enough margin to do its job in the event it is called upon to do its job.

The last thing you want on your mind in the event of an event so to speak is whether the old seat harness is going to work. This might truly be the last thing on your mind.