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Message: CAFE Standards apply to...

Changed By: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Change Date: April 10, 2013 02:25PM

CAFEA Standards apply to...
[quote="Lawdevil & CURVN8R"]
[quote="Ed from Long Island"]
Given the Feds average mpg standards for the manufacturer's entire product line the "exotic" niche players are scampering to meet them.. They don't have the econobox cars with high mpg to offset their performance cars.


I don't pretend to know how the CAFE standards work, but since Porsche is a subsidiary of VW, wouldn't its numbers be averaged in with the rest of the company? If each subsidiary has to separately make the projected averages, Porsche will have trouble and Lamborghini might as well just close up.[/quote]

... individual manufacturers so Porsche is separate from VW etc.
The average of the fleet is what CAFE looks at so that's the reason Porsche introduced the 918, the Cayenne and Panamera Hybrids, etc.
In order to increase MPGs they are also considering doing away with side rear new mirrors and using lipstick cameras with monitors.
Happy Boxstering

Original Message

Author: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Date: April 10, 2013 02:22PM

CAFEA Standards apply to...
[quote="Lawdevil & CURVN8R"]
[quote="Ed from Long Island"]
Given the Feds average mpg standards for the manufacturer's entire product line the "exotic" niche players are scampering to meet them.. They don't have the econobox cars with high mpg to offset their performance cars.


I don't pretend to know how the CAFE standards work, but since Porsche is a subsidiary of VW, wouldn't its numbers be averaged in with the rest of the company? If each subsidiary has to separately make the projected averages, Porsche will have trouble and Lamborghini might as well just close up.[/quote]

... individual manufacturers so Porsche is separate from VW etc.
The average of the fleet is what CAFE looks at so that's the reason Porsche introduced the 918, the Cayenne and Panamera Hybrids, etc.
In order to increase MPGs they are also considering doing away with side rear new mirrors and using lipstick cameras with monitors.
Happy Boxstering