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Message: Glad you liked it. The cartoon can be taken at least a couple ways, too.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: April 17, 2013 02:33PM

Glad you liked it. The cartoon can be taken at least a couple ways, too.
A: He's a smug elitist at a fancy cocktail party, and the car he drives implies his position in society.
B: Less likely: a A big component of his self-identity is with the marque he drives, like many of us Porschephiles

By the way, the Maserati I'd own if I could have just one: the Bora.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: April 17, 2013 02:31PM

Glad you liked it. The cartoon can be taken at least a couple ways, too.
A: He's a smug elitist at a fancy cocktail party, and the car he drives implies his position in society.
B: Less likely: a big component of his self-identity is with the marque he drives, like many of us Porschephiles

By the way, the Maserati I'd own if I could have just one: the Bora.