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Message: MObile 1 is GL-5 (not 4+5) and has always had issues with balky synchros (which we have)

Changed By: grant
Change Date: April 20, 2013 08:39AM

MoMObil e 1 is a GL-5 - wrong spec. Yes, you must use the right *kind* of oil!(not 4+5) and has always had issues with balky synchros (which we have)
whoever did that was simply not knowledgeable about the requirements of the vehicle.

The 01E and the Porsche 6-sp both should have GL-4. Not for the pressure ( the original intent of the spec change) but for brass compatibility.

Most GL-5s are not brass friendly, unless they specifically state GL-4 and GL-5.
The Audi 01E and the Porsche 6-sp both specified GL-4 (I refer to the Audi specs for the 5-sp). Not for the pressure ( the original intent of the spec change) but for brass compatibility.

Most/many/enough to be a concern GL-5s are not brass friendly, unless they specifically state GL-4 and GL-5.

I suspect, but don't know, that was the source of the trouble. Could simply be different friction modifiers too.

Changed By: grant
Change Date: April 20, 2013 08:37AM

Mobil 1 is a GL-5 - wrong spec. Yes, you must use the right *kind* of oil!
whoever did that was simply not knowledgeable about the requirements of the vehicle.

The 01E and the Porsche 6-sp both should have GL-4.
Not for the pressure ( the original intent of the spec change) but for brass compatibility.

Most GL-5s are not brass friendly, unless they specifically state GL-4 and GL-5.

I suspect, but don't know, that was the source of the trouble. Could simply be different friction modifiers too.


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: April 20, 2013 08:29AM

Mobil 1 is a GL-5 - wrong spec. Yes, you must use the right *kind* of oil!
whoever did that was simply not knowledgeable about the requirements of the vehicle.

The 01E and the Porsche 6-sp both should have GL-4.
