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Message: The upgrade isn't needed for Android integration

Changed By: Boxsterra
Change Date: April 22, 2013 10:38AM

The upgrade isn't needed for Android integration
but the $49 "v1connection" module is (https://store.valentine1.com/store/) and there is some additional functionality available if you get the ESP upgrade.
Changed By: Boxsterra
Change Date: April 22, 2013 10:38AM

The upgrade isn't needed for Android integration
but the $51 $49"v1connection" module is (https://store.valentine1.com/store/) and there is some additional functionality available if you get the ESP upgrade.

Original Message

Author: Boxsterra
Date: April 22, 2013 10:38AM

The upgrade isn't needed for Android integration
but the $51 "v1connection" module is (https://store.valentine1.com/store/) and there is some additional functionality available if you get the ESP upgrade.