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Message: Re: Driving The Roads in Canada

Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: April 23, 2013 11:37AM

Re: Driving The Roads in Canada
For Guenther and our other provincial cousins:

A long time ago I was on a main road (King's Highway?) near North Bay and there was little in the way of traffic as we went North. Have you ever driven Canada's more northern roads where the moose roam? It would seem to me that those roads would put the Diamondback to shame.[/quote]

Kevin, I have driven some of the roads in Northern Ontario. There are some twisties. We even have some here in Southern Ontario. Although we have some mountains in Ontario they're not nearly as high as the Blue Ridge. (Long story - part of it goes back to the last glacial age about 10,000 years ago - before my time, so just what I've read in books. :) ). Long story short - it's pretty tough to beat the Diamondback. There are also some in British Columbia. Of course that much further north.

As far as the traffic in the northern parts, you're right. Depending on how far north you go, traffic can get fairly light because of the sparse population up there, much like out in the norther n plains States.

I've never encountered a moose on the road, but it can be a pretty dangerous if you do. Best to just stop until it decides it's time to leave. You don't want to run into one. Usually, the sequence becomes:
Car hits moose, breaking its leg(s)
Moose falls on car
Car and contents get crushed. ::o

Original Message

Author: Guenter in Ontario
Date: April 23, 2013 11:35AM

Re: Driving The Roads in Canada
For Guenther and our other provincial cousins:

A long time ago I was on a main road (King's Highway?) near North Bay and there was little in the way of traffic as we went North. Have you ever driven Canada's more northern roads where the moose roam? It would seem to me that those roads would put the Diamondback to shame.[/quote]

Kevin, I have driven some of the roads in Northern Ontario. There are some twisties. We even have some here in Southern Ontario. Although we have some mountains in Ontario they're not nearly as high as the Blue Ridge. (Long story - part of it goes back to the last glacial age about 10,000 years ago - before my time, so just what I've read in books. :) ). Long story short - it's pretty tough to beat the Diamondback. There are also some in British Columbia. Of course that much further north.

As far as the traffic in the northern parts, you're right. Depending on how far north you go, traffic can get fairly light because of the sparse population up there, much like out in the norther plains States.

I've never encountered a moose on the road, but it can be a pretty dangerous if you do. Best to just stop until it decides it's time to leave. You don't want to run into one. Usually, the sequence becomes:
Car hits moose, breaking its leg(s)
Moose falls on car
Car and contents get crushed.