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Message: Did they make a mistake, or is my math way off....

Changed By: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Change Date: April 30, 2013 11:55AM

Did they make a mistake, or is my math way off....
In the attached commercial, narrated by Patric Stewart, he says (regarding the human heart):
"it beats 70 times a minute, 50,000 times a day, 18,000,000 times a lifetime".

Well according to my 6th grade teacher, it should be:
"it beats 70 times a day, minute, 100,800 times a year, day, 2,759,400,000 times a lifetime" (assuming a lifetime of 75 years).

How can they get it so wrong?

Here's the math.
70 times a minute x 60 = 4,200 times an hour
4,200 times an hour x 24 = 100,800 times a day
100,800 times a day x 365 = 36,792,000 times a year
36,792,000 times a year x 75 = 2,759,400,000 times a lifetime.


Happy Boxstering,

Original Message

Author: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Date: April 29, 2013 09:57AM

Did they make a mistake, or is my math way off....
In the attached commercial, narrated by Patric Stewart, he says (regarding the human heart):
"it beats 70 times a minute, 50,000 times a day, 18,000,000 times a lifetime".

Well according to my 6th grade teacher, it should be:
"it beats 70 times a day, 100,800 times a year, 2,759,400,000 times a lifetime" (assuming a lifetime of 75 years).

How can they get it so wrong?

Here's the math.
70 times a minute x 60 = 4,200 times an hour
4,200 times an hour x 24 = 100,800 times a day
100,800 times a day x 365 = 36,792,000 times a year
36,792,000 times a year x 75 = 2,759,400,000 times a lifetime.


Happy Boxstering,