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Message: Bruce--I noticed something similar on the 981

Changed By: MikenOH
Change Date: May 12, 2013 10:39PM

Bruce--I noticed something similar on the 981
At about 3000 RPM the car seems to stumble a bit which coincides with a dip in the engine torque curve; there is no such drop on the 991 but a substantial one on the 981:
. Click on the technical spec footnote on the HP rating and the HP/TQ curve will show up.


It peaks around 2500 and falls off to 3500 rpm, then recovers to the torque at the 2500 rpm level at about 4000 rpm.

The torque curve on the 991 seems to be a steady rising curving by comparison.

Original Message

Author: MikenOH
Date: May 12, 2013 10:37PM

Bruce--I noticed something similar on the 981
At about 3000 RPM the car seems to stumble a bit which coincides with a dip in the engine torque curve; there is no such drop on the 991 but a substantial one on the 981:


It peaks around 2500 and falls off to 3500 rpm, then recovers to the torque at the 2500 rpm level at about 4000 rpm.

The torque curve on the 991 seems to be a steady rising curving by comparison.