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Message: Dang, that's exciting, Gman !!!! Looking forward to hearing all about it.

Changed By: Roger987
Change Date: May 18, 2013 11:09AM

Dang, that's exciting, Gman !!!! Looking forward to hearing all about it.
Now, let me focus with more determination...

You'll likely get an 'S'. You've been happy with your non-S and you know the non-S 981 has more power; it will be even quicker. But given you're going to keep this car for at least a quarter century, you won't want to ever think "wish I had got an S".

You REALLY want Arctic Silver, but it's not on their palette. The current silver (platinum?) just doesn't do it for you, GT Silver does, but it's pricey. I suppose you could do a paint-to-match Arctic, but is that even more $$$ than GT?

You're going to have this car a LONG time, probably for as long as you're driving. Given that, you'll likely get the colour you want, and not fret about the extra $$$.

Hold on! Stop the presses! I just checked Porsche's website - they've replaced Platinum silver with Rhodium silver, which apparently has a slightly blue cast, as contrasted with the slight beige of platinum. My money's on Rhodium. (And, the money you'll save by not getting GT silver will buy Michelle a seriously nice set of new clubs.:)

The interior will be back, partial leather. I suggested power seats because the memory feature would be handy, given both you and Michelle drive it.

You'll get the sport steering wheel, and a short shift kit, it it's available. The convenience package (with heated seats), and bi-xenons with PDLS (I think) are a given. You will get PASM because it's the best of both worlds.

You'll likely get the sports tailpipe, and you'll spring for body colour mirror posts (to make them less homely).

You'll get paint film over the entire front - right to the doors.

Oh, one last thing - you'll choose the 5-spoke Cayman S wheels.

At BRBS, Pedro will present you with a new wind deflector.

To whom do I send my money to get in on the raffle? I can pick up my winnings in less than two weeks. :D


Original Message

Author: Roger987
Date: May 18, 2013 11:05AM

Dang, that's exciting, Gman !!!!
Now, let me focus with more determination...

You'll likely get an 'S'. You've been happy with your non-S and you know the non-S 981 has more power; it will be even quicker. But given you're going to keep this car for at least a quarter century, you won't want to ever think "wish I had got an S".

You REALLY want Arctic Silver, but it's not on their palette. The current silver (platinum?) just doesn't do it for you, GT Silver does, but it's pricey. I suppose you could do a paint-to-match Arctic, but is that even more $$$ than GT?

You're going to have this car a LONG time, probably for as long as you're driving. Given that, you'll likely get the colour you want, and not fret about the extra $$$.

Hold on! Stop the presses! I just checked Porsche's website - they've replaced Platinum silver with Rhodium silver, which apparently has a slightly blue cast, as contrasted with the slight beige of platinum. My money's on Rhodium. (And, the money you'll save by not getting GT silver will buy Michelle a seriously nice set of new clubs.:)

The interior will be back, partial leather. I suggested power seats because the memory feature would be handy, given both you and Michelle drive it.

You'll get the sport steering wheel, and a short shift kit, it it's available. The convenience package (with heated seats), and bi-xenons with PDLS (I think) are a given. You will get PASM because it's the best of both worlds.

You'll likely get the sports tailpipe, and you'll spring for body colour mirror posts (to make them less homely).

You'll get paint film over the entire front - right to the doors.

Oh, one last thing - you'll choose the 5-spoke Cayman S wheels.

At BRBS, Pedro will present you with a new wind deflector.

To whom do I send my money to get in on the raffle? I can pick up my winnings in less than two weeks. :D