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Message: Re: 4K trip over 2 weeks - any advice

Changed By: Roger987
Change Date: May 20, 2013 10:01PM

Re: 4K trip over 2 weeks - any advice
A Petzl headlamp. When you need it, you'll be glad you have it.

A reliable tire gauge (of course, you have one in your car, already, right?)

When I'm on the road, I prefer a microfibre cloth over a sponge, as the latter sometimes holds grit which can do a nasty job on your paint. I've not used a sponge on my cars in a long, long time. At home, the Pcar gets the boar-bristle brush. Not cheap, but gentle, and effective.

A spare key is a very good idea. Even better if it's a spare key for the car you're driving. ;)

When I'm on the road, I prefer a microfibre cloth rather than a sponge, as the latter sometimes holds grit which can do a nasty job on your paint. I've not used a sponge on my cars in a long, long time. At home, the P-car gets the boar-bristle brush. Not cheap, but gentle, and effective. And check out the car in the ad - looks like a P-car to me!


Original Message

Author: Roger987
Date: May 20, 2013 09:56PM

Re: 4K trip over 2 weeks - any advice
A Petzl headlamp. When you need it, you'll be glad you have it.

A reliable tire gauge (of course, you have one in your car, already, right?)

When I'm on the road, I prefer a microfibre cloth over a sponge, as the latter sometimes holds grit which can do a nasty job on your paint. I've not used a sponge on my cars in a long, long time. At home, the Pcar gets the boar-bristle brush. Not cheap, but gentle, and effective.

A spare key is a very good idea. Even better if it's a spare key for the car you're driving. ;)