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Message: Re: A/C...R134A refrigerant

Changed By: RainyDayGarage
Change Date: May 23, 2013 10:34PM

Re: A/C...R134A refrigerant
We never ever ran the AC in the Winter periodically as per the manual during the 12 years of ownership.
Didn't even know that was something we had to do :-)

Anyway, the AC in our 2000 Boxster started acting up last Spring so we topped off the refrigerant:


At first, we didn't think it worked, but it turned out that we didn't add enough for the compressor to kick in.
Once we got enough into the system, the air was cool again.

This Spring, we had to added 24oz before the AC would cool.
Clearly there is a leak somewhere, but it is very slow.

Also, at $7 for a 12oz can...we figure the $14 fix is cheaper than actually figuring out the root cause.

Original Message

Author: RainyDayGarage
Date: May 23, 2013 10:34PM

Re: A/C...R134A refrigerant
We never ever ran the AC in the Winter periodically as per the manual during the 12 years of ownership.
Didn't even know that was something we had to do :-)

Anyway, the AC in our 2000 Boxster started acting up last Spring so we topped off the refrigerant:

At first, we didn't think it worked, but it turned out that we didn't add enough for the compressor to kick in.
Once we got enough into the system, the air was cool again.

This Spring, we had to added 24oz before the AC would cool.
Clearly there is a leak somewhere, but it is very slow.

Also, at $7 for a 12oz can...we figure the $14 fix is cheaper than actually figuring out the root cause.