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Message: For those who need to do a temporary repair...just to stop the leaking

Changed By: RainyDayGarage
Change Date: May 24, 2013 07:50AM

TFor those who need to do a temporary repair...just to stop the leaking
After 10 years (2 years ago), we noticed a leak in the lower corner on the passenger side.
The middle (where it folds) was also showing signs of stress.

Pics of the cracks (click on any of the images for a larger version):

Got a replacement top and was planning on installing it the next Spring.
As a temporary fix, we mended the cracks with E6000 goop ($5 at Home Depot).
Two years later, the temp "fix" is still holding.

We will eventually put the new top on, but hey...most of the time, the soft top is down.
As for the Winter, the hardtop is on so we don't even see the plastic.

So...if you can put up with it, this is a pretty cheap quick fix to hold you over until you can't stand to look at it any more :-)

Original Message

Author: RainyDayGarage
Date: May 24, 2013 07:47AM

Those who need to a temporary repair...just to stop the leaking
After 10 years (2 years ago), we noticed a leak in the lower corner on the passenger side.
The middle (where it folds) was also showing signs of stress.

Pics of the cracks (click on any of the images for a larger version):

Got a replacement top and was planning on installing it the next Spring.
As a temporary fix, we mended the cracks with E6000 goop ($5 at Home Depot).
Two years later, the temp "fix" is still holding.

We will eventually put the new top on, but hey...most of the time, the soft top is down.
As for the Winter, the hardtop is on so we don't even see the plastic.

So...if you can put up with it, this is a pretty cheap quick fix to hold you over until you can't stand to look at it any more :-)