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Message: The Honda and the Porsche are very different ...

Changed By: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Change Date: May 24, 2013 09:09PM

The Honda and the Porsche are very different ...
... in the way they manage HVAC.
The Porsche's heater is always on. There's no bypass valve, so coolant always runs through the heater core.
The way Porsche controls it is with air dams. They block the air coming off the heat core when all you want is cold.
In some cases, the AC may be working but will be offset because of a bad air dam allowing heated air to come through.
A way to test this is by running the AC when the engine is completely cold. At that time the coolant will not circulate because the thermostat will shut it off until it reaches operating temp of +/- 185F.
But, having said all that you may just have a small leak and your 1345A A level may be a bit low.
You can purchase a pressure valve which connects to the low pressure side of the AC and that will show you the correct pressure charge.
Happy Boxstering,

Original Message

Author: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Date: May 24, 2013 04:29PM

The Honda and the Porsche are very different ...
... in the way they manage HVAC.
The Porsche's heater is always on. There's no bypass valve, so coolant always runs through the heater core.
The way Porsche controls it is with air dams. They block the air coming off the heat core when all you want is cold.
In some cases, the AC may be working but will be offset because of a bad air dam allowing heated air to come through.
A way to test this is by running the AC when the engine is completely cold. At that time the coolant will not circulate because the thermostat will shut it off until it reaches operating temp of +/- 185F.
But, having said all that you may just have a small leak and your 1345A level may be a bit low.
You can purchase a pressure valve which connects to the low pressure side of the AC and that will show you the correct pressure charge.
Happy Boxstering,