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Message: Ah - I see. Thanks Bill!

Changed By: Steve (Morro Bay)
Change Date: May 26, 2013 06:18AM

Ah - I see. Thanks Bill!
Found here, this image http://www.pelicanparts.com/techarticles/Boxster_Tech/26-FUEL-Engine_Sensors/26-FUEL-Engine_Sensors.htm


That's where the sending unit would be if I had one, and instead I have what they call an "emergency switch" (the little thing in the inset of the photo).

Looking up the item there, the switch and sealing ring will run me $4.75. Those are my kind of parts! Somewhere I saw it mentioned that if you work on this, the seal needs to be replaced. Wonder if the indy who worked on mine skipped the seal, or more likely I guess, mine just went out now, unrelated. With such a low price, I'm going to try it. Do you know if there is any special trick to replacing this?

Original Message

Author: Steve (Morro Bay)
Date: May 26, 2013 06:01AM

Ah - I see. Thanks Bill!
Found here, this image http://www.pelicanparts.com/techarticles/Boxster_Tech/26-FUEL-Engine_Sensors/26-FUEL-Engine_Sensors.htm


That's where the sending unit would be if I had one, and instead I have what they call an "emergency switch" (the little thing in the inset of the photo).

Looking up the item there, the switch and sealing ring will run me $4.75. Those are my kind of parts! Somewhere I saw it mentioned that if you work on this, the seal needs to be replaced. With such a low price, I'm going to try it. Do you know if there is any special trick to replacing this?