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Message: Did the job tonight - from the top

Changed By: jjspike
Change Date: May 29, 2013 10:57PM

Did to job Did the job ttonight - from the top
I picked up the AOS this afternoon and took a good look, with a light, in the area. I noticed that the rubber tube on the bottom on the AOS took a 90 degree bend and connected to the engine block. At that point, there was a hose clamp and I figured that I could remove it with a small set of channel locks. This was the most difficult part of the job and took about 35 minutes of getting my left hand to function properly - along with some terrible words. Once the clamp was off, the rest was simple. The E-Torx bolts were a pain as I did not have the sockets for these ($30 bucks later, I had a set). Fortunately, they were easy to remove from the top. I understand that on the older model Boxsters, there are hex nuts that must be accessed from below.

I suppose those with 986 models would have no choice but to do the job from beneath. Fortunately, the AOS mount was change on the 987s to make the job a bit easier.

Thanks to all for the great input!!


Original Message

Author: jjspike
Date: May 29, 2013 10:56PM

Did to job Did the job ttonight
I picked up the AOS this afternoon and took a good look, with a light, in the area. I noticed that the rubber tube on the bottom on the AOS took a 90 degree bend and connected to the engine block. At that point, there was a hose clamp and I figured that I could remove it with a small set of channel locks. This was the most difficult part of the job and took about 35 minutes of getting my left hand to function properly - along with some terrible words. Once the clamp was off, the rest was simple. The E-Torx bolts were a pain as I did not have the sockets for these ($30 bucks later, I had a set). Fortunately, they were easy to remove from the top. I understand that on the older model Boxsters, there are hex nuts that must be accessed from below.

I suppose those with 986 models would have no choice but to do the job from beneath. Fortunately, the AOS mount was change on the 987s to make the job a bit easier.

Thanks to all for the great input!!
