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Message: Re: I'm not following....

Changed By: Petee_C
Change Date: June 03, 2013 09:19AM

Re: I'm not following....
What are you suggesting?


Sorry for the cryptic response.... my phone has to relearn my vocabulary for the autocorrect (Swiftkey on Samsung GS3). Anyways....


This is how I did it for the passenger side.... Instead of removing the balljoint, I removed the other end of that arm. This is the type tip that Dave (Alcantera on PB) suggested.

I did scribe the alignment thingermabob, but I would definitely recommend an alignment if you do it this way. I ate a pair of rear Hankook V12's in less than 10,000km (~6,000miles). Car drove straight, but the inside edges of both my tires were done in less than 9 months driving.

If you are due for an alignment, than this method may work for you.... a 4 wheel alignment locally is $100 or so.


Original Message

Author: Petee_C
Date: June 03, 2013 09:18AM

Re: I'm not following....
What are you suggesting?


Sorry for the cryptic response.... my phone has to relearn my vocabulary for the autocorrect (Swiftkey on Samsung GS3). Anyways....


This is how I did it for the passenger side.... Instead of removing the balljoint, I removed the other end of that arm. This is the type that Dave (Alcantera on PB) suggested.

I did scribe the alignment thingermabob, but I would definitely recommend an alignment if you do it this way. I ate a pair of rear Hankook V12's in less than 10,000km (~6,000miles). Car drove straight, but the inside edges of both my tires were done in less than 9 months driving.

If you are due for an alignment, than this method may work for you.... a 4 wheel alignment locally is $100 or so.
