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Message: Ghia

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: June 06, 2013 04:45PM

A friend had one in 69 through about 72-- green with a white top and I think a white interior. There's a wood frame in the body that the top attaches to, and on his it was all rotted. We pulled the pieces out and my dad brought them to the carpenter's shop on Governors Island where a perfect replacement set was made, curves and all.
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: June 06, 2013 04:43PM

A friend had one in 69 through about 72-- green with a white top and I think a white interior. There's a wood frame that the top attaches to, and on his it was all rotted. We pulled the pieces out and my dad brought them to the carpenter's shop on Governors Island where a perfect replacement set was made, curves and all.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: June 06, 2013 04:42PM

A friend had one in 69 through about 72-- green with a white top and I think a white interior. There's a wood frame that the top attaches to, and on his it was all rotted. We pulled the pieces out and my dad brought them to the carpenter's shop on Governors Island where a perfect replacement set was made, curves and all.