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Message: Re: Informal Poll: How do you hold the steering wheel... one or two handed?

Changed By: bigmach
Change Date: June 07, 2013 07:39AM

Re: Informal Poll: How do you hold the steering wheel... one or two handed?
I have a 97 boxster with 2 driving wheel spokes at 7 and 5(or is it 8 and 64). I love driving only with my left hand at 7 gripping the spoke with my thumb on one side and rest of fingers the other side of the spoke. Also, my left arm elbow is resting on the lid of the door storage bin making longer drives comfortable as the arm doesn't get tired. This way, I can indicate left or right turn signal with my left hand fingers without taking my thumb off the steering. My right hand solely controls the gear shifts.
Changed By: bigmach
Change Date: June 07, 2013 07:38AM

Re: Informal Poll: How do you hold the steering wheel... one or two handed?
I have a 97 boxster with 2 driving wheel spokes at 7 and 5. 5(or is it 8 and 6). I love driving only with my left hand at 7 gripping the spoke with my thumb on one side and rest of fingers the other side of the spoke. Also, my left arm elbow is resting on the lid of the door storage bin making longer drives comfortable as the arm doesn't get tired. This way, I can indicate left or right turn signal with my left hand fingers without taking my thumb off the steering. My right hand solely controls the gear shifts.

Original Message

Author: bigmach
Date: June 07, 2013 07:36AM

Re: Informal Poll: How do you hold the steering wheel... one or two handed?
I have a 97 boxster with 2 driving wheel spokes at 7 and 5. I love driving only with my left hand at 7 gripping the spoke with my thumb on one side and rest of fingers the other side of the spoke. Also, my left arm elbow is resting on the lid of the door storage bin making longer drives comfortable as the arm doesn't get tired. This way, I can indicate left or right turn signal with my left hand fingers without taking my thumb off the steering. My right hand solely controls the gear shifts.