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Message: Re: Where ...

Changed By: kskertchly
Change Date: June 08, 2013 11:17PM

Re: Where ...
[quote="Pedro (Weston, FL)"]
... are you located?
Does your State run smog tests?
If not you can convert your car to RoW and eliminate the secondary air injection system which by what you describe in your symptoms could be the rough-when-cold problem.
Happy Boxstering,

I'm currently in Austin, TX, but I bought the car in Mexico and I plan on going back soon. I'm not sure if it's a ROW version because the invoice says it was imported from the USA. I looked under the car, and I only saw 2 catalytic converters, instead of the 4 I thought it was supposed to have. If I'm not mistaken, it only has what would be considered the secondary cats in the US version. Is this normal or did the previous owner do something shoddy? If this is normal, would it be a valid test to remove the catalytic converters and the remaining part of the exhaust to see if the issue persists?

I told the ECU guys about the hollow cat issue so I think they programmed the replacement accordingly. According to them: "We did what we call a ROW conversion on your ECU where the 2ndary Air Injection is turned off and the 2post cat O2 sensors are ignored".


Original Message

Author: kskertchly
Date: June 08, 2013 11:13PM

Re: Where ...
[quote="Pedro (Weston, FL)"]
... are you located?
Does your State run smog tests?
If not you can convert your car to RoW and eliminate the secondary air injection system which by what you describe in your symptoms could be the rough-when-cold problem.
Happy Boxstering,

I'm currently in Austin, TX, but I bought the car in Mexico and I plan on going back soon. I'm not sure if it's a ROW version because the invoice says it was imported from the USA. I looked under the car, and I only saw 2 catalytic converters, instead of the 4 I thought it was supposed to have. If I'm not mistaken, it only has what would be considered the secondary cats in the US version. Is this normal or did the previous owner do something shoddy? If this is normal, would it be a valid test to remove the catalytic converters and the remaining part of the exhaust to see if the issue persists?

I told the ECU guys about the hollow cat issue so I think they programmed the replacement accordingly. According to them: "We did what we call a ROW conversion on your ECU where the 2ndary Air Injection is turned off and the 2post cat O2 sensors are ignored".