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Message: Re: Hollow cats

Changed By: kskertchly
Change Date: June 08, 2013 11:17PM

Re: Hollow cats
As soon as I saw that, I thought, "O2 sensors." Are they there? (Four: one each before and after the two cats.) If so, they are probably either "confused" because of the cats not having their internal materials, or they've (at least one) gone bad. You should [i]first[/i] absolutely determine if the cats are indeed missing their innards, and install functioning ones if so.[/quote]

The pre-cat sensors are definitely there, and the ECU was programmed to ignore the post-cat sensors. Is there an easy way to verify if the cats are hollow other than taking apart the exhaust?

Original Message

Author: kskertchly
Date: June 08, 2013 11:16PM

Re: Hollow cats
As soon as I saw that, I thought, "O2 sensors." Are they there? (Four: one each before and after the two cats.) If so, they are probably either "confused" because of the cats not having their internal materials, or they've (at least one) gone bad. You should [i]first[/i] absolutely determine if the cats are indeed missing their innards, and install functioning ones if so.[/quote]

The pre-cat sensors are definitely there, and the ECU was programmed to ignore the post-cat sensors. Is there an easy way to verify if the cats are hollow other than taking apart the exhaust?