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Tire Rack: Revolutionizing tire buying since 1979.
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Message: For the record, the OPOR tires were not Khumos. They were

Changed By: grant
Change Date: June 12, 2013 04:48PM

For the record, the OPOR tires were not Khumos. They were
Bridgestones and Goodyears.

Years earlier they shipped me something like 6 OOR continentials.

I simply cannot put up with the Tire Rack. When i said"coould you guys just spin them before you ship them?" they said"nah, too much trouble.

, TR.


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: June 12, 2013 04:48PM

For the record, the OPOR tires were not Khumos. They were
Bridgestones and Goodyears.

Years earlier they shipped me something like 6 OOR continentials.

I simply cannot put up with the Tire Rack. When i said"coould you guys just spin them before you ship them?" they said"nah, too much trouble.

