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Message: Re: Stereo Help. Is this the amp?

Changed By: chris & 987
Change Date: June 18, 2013 10:39AM

Re: Stereo Help. Is this the amp?
Petee C,

Your instincts are correct. Thats OEM HU and speakers are junk. Replace them with a modern HU and component or matched up speakers. It may run you 1500$ -2000 but you already know its worth it. I did this approx 6 months ago and have never regretted it. On another note.. I kept my HU kinda low key so that it did not attract some idiot who would be willing to cut the top to get to the head unit.

I know each person has their own preferences for audio gear. me I went with a Kenwood HU that would accept usb thumb drives, sirius capable but I have had that before and the novelty is gone for me. went with a mix of Alpine and kickers for door and dash. had a custom box made for the deck with 2 x 6" subs. The custom box was needed because I wanted to be able to open and close the tope w/o any interference...and it works out well for me.

Happy hunting and I would say just pull the trigger and get it over with asap. That original deck, becker, opecker, whatver the hell it is.. belongs in the junk pile.

best advice I can give (I'm sure you already know this) is to take it to a known reputable installer, someone who has their own shop and has worked on a wide variety of high end cars. For me there are many in the ATL area and they love doing this kind of work.
Your instincts are correct. That OEM HU and speakers are junk. Replace them with a modern HU and component or matched up speakers. It may run you 1500$ -2000 but you already know its worth it. I did this approx 6 months ago and have never regretted it. On another note.. I kept my HU kinda low key so that it did not attract some idiot who would be willing to cut the top to get to the head unit.

I know each person has their own preferences for audio gear. Me I went with a Kenwood HU that would accept usb thumb drives, sirius capable, but I have had that before and the novelty is gone for me. I went with a JBL Audio snall footprint 5 channel amp in the frunk and a mix of Alpines and Kickers for door and dash. Also had a custom box made for the deck with 2 x 6" subs. The custom box was needed because I wanted to be able to open and close the top w/o any interference...and it works out well for me.

Happy hunting and I would say just pull the trigger and get it over with asap. That original deck, becker, pecker, whatver the hell it is.. belongs in the junk pile.

Best advice I can give (I'm sure you already know this) is to take it to a known, reputable installer, someone who has their own shop and has worked on a wide variety of high end cars. For me there are many in the ATL area and they love doing this kind of work.

Good luck mate and hope you post some pictures later.

Original Message

Author: chris & 987
Date: June 18, 2013 10:35AM

Re: Stereo Help. Is this the amp?
Petee C,

Your instincts are correct. Thats OEM HU and speakers are junk. Replace them with a modern HU and component or matched up speakers. It may run you 1500$ -2000 but you already know its worth it. I did this approx 6 months ago and have never regretted it. On another note.. I kept my HU kinda low key so that it did not attract some idiot who would be willing to cut the top to get to the head unit.

I know each person has their own preferences for audio gear. me I went with a Kenwood HU that would accept usb thumb drives, sirius capable but I have had that before and the novelty is gone for me. went with a mix of Alpine and kickers for door and dash. had a custom box made for the deck with 2 x 6" subs. The custom box was needed because I wanted to be able to open and close the tope w/o any interference...and it works out well for me.

Happy hunting and I would say just pull the trigger and get it over with asap. That original deck, becker, opecker, whatver the hell it is.. belongs in the junk pile.

best advice I can give (I'm sure you already know this) is to take it to a known reputable installer, someone who has their own shop and has worked on a wide variety of high end cars. For me there are many in the ATL area and they love doing this kind of work.

Good luck mate and hope you post some pictures later.